The Power Of Touch continued...

This is a picture of my parents standing with my aunt an uncle taken in the backyard of their Ballard home.  

I posted a Facebook message to my Brash Studio page about the power of touch and why terminally ill loved ones need touch more than ever.  Here is a snap shot of my feelings etc...

Here is a link, or take a moment to read may have to copy and paste.

Oh this is a long one....

The comfort and power of touch for anyone diagnosed with a terminal disease is beyond a needed necessity.  When a loved one becomes ill, many retract and don’t know how to respond.  Not just emotionally because we don’t know what to say, but also physically.  There is a fear with not being comfortable touching, hugging, holding their hand, or a kiss on the cheek as we are not taught that touch is okay and so very much needed when someone is ill. 

A terminally ill person needs touch. They are already feeling an array of emotions within their state and the power of touch gives comfort, love, and solace. 

My Dad would have my Mom call me while at work to come home in the middle of the day, which was only ten minutes away (luckily) to rub his feet and hands, or scratch his back while he was in hospice at home. He loved it and I loved being his comforter.  My background in massage therapy helped and I already was an expert back scratcher for Dad since I was little.  Wouldn’t trade those moments for anything.  

I also knew that when my Mom fell ill a few years later it was time to do this all over again.  

You will miss hugging, kissing, and having your parents hold on to your arm as they get older and need you to steady them. Take note...Touch is Love.


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